
Data insights to make better decisions

Know how your business is doing and plan the future better. Get understanding about your employee activities and what is the booking uptake

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Desktop Screeshot of payment report

Payments history

Get a full overview of both online and offline payments and make your bookkeeping easier.

Our booking system will give you full understanding on both single visit purchases and membership cards, including details about payment fees and payouts.

Read more about payments

Staff stats

The more employees you have the harder it is to track their activities, we have solved that for you.

Know how many bookings your employees have had, get overview and settle with the freelancers or even count hours served.

Customer statistics

How to plan your offerings better, of course by knowing, what your customers are doing and what are they booking .

With Hopitude booking system you even get stats of customers who haven't visited you for a while

If you would like to know more about the booking system write us [email protected]
